Monthly Archives: November 2021

Winter Weather Car Maintenance Checklist

Winter Weather Car Maintenance Checklist

Winter is upon us in Des Moines, IA, which is why you should make sure your car is conditioned to handle winter's harsh conditions. Furthermore, you should be prepared just in case there's an emergency. Here's a simple winter automotive maintenance checklist to help you prepare for the cold ahead. Get an Oil Change - We usually forget the importance of oil, but the fall or early winter is the perfect time to ensure you've got fresh oil to protect your engine and keep it stable. Check Your Battery - The summer heat can take a severe hit on car batteries, and unfortunately, drivers aren't unaware until cold weather strikes. We recommend that you have your battery tested and replaced (if necessary). Your battery will have to work harder during the winter months, so it's essential to check on it throughout the season. Inspect Your Tires - Take a good look at your tire tread and measure it just in case you need to replace them. If your tires don't have enough ... read more

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