Posted on 7/31/2023

Your car's suspension is meant to give you a smooth and comfortable ride, even when the road is bumpy. It does so using ball joints in the suspension, which absorb the pressure. The ball joints undergo significant wear and tear, so they can lose lubrication or come loose, making your ride uncomfortable. The following are symptoms of a failing ball joint: Uneven Front Tire Wear A loose ball joint in the front suspension will cause one of the front wheels to fall out of alignment with the other. With time, it can lead to one tire experiencing more wear and tear than the other. You may notice more damage to the inside or outside of one tire, or patches of degradation in one tire over another. Other repercussions are one tire has less air pressure than the other. If one tire bursts while driving due to the damage, the consequences can be devastating. The solution is to replace the ball joints immediately. Brutal Cabin Vibrations Ball joints contribute to a comfortable feeling in ... read more