Posted on 12/30/2022

Your car’s engine needs to stay at a stable temperature range for you to drive smoothly and seamlessly. To make that happen, a fluid called coolant/antifreeze gets pushed throughout the engine to regulate the temperature. Unfortunately, the coolant doesn't stay effective forever. Over time, contaminants and grime can build up in the cooling system. A coolant flush can solve this problem and protects the engine from corrosion, keeping it in the best shape possible. Besides a simple inspection, how can you tell when you need a coolant flush? Low Coolant You can pop open the hood and visually check your coolant levels. If the fluid looks too low, you may have a leak. Be sure to check if any bright-colored fluid is around or under your vehicle. We can also check for you when bringing your vehicle into Richman Automotive & Towing. Bad Coolant Quality Another sign that may trigger a need for a fluid flush is if you find the coolant to be contaminated or d ... read more
Posted on 11/30/2022

Are you planning on bringing home a live Christmas tree for this year's holiday season? If so, there are some key things you should prep for in order for you and your tree to safely make it home. Here are some our top tips for a mode of safe transport! Loading the Tree First off, we recommend using a truck or SUV over a smaller car. This makes the process easier to manage. If you don't have one, we suggest asking a friend or family member for a ride. To start the loading process, you'll want to lay a blanket, tarp, or sheet underneath the tree or onto your truck bed or roof rack. This protects your car against the pine needs that may scratch your vehicle. Next, you want to make sure that your tree is netted. Most tree farms offer this service, and it keeps the branches packed down. It also makes handling the tree easier. When loading the tree, make sure to use gloves. You'll want the trunk of the tree to be turned to the front of yo ... read more
Posted on 10/29/2022

Think about getting into your car, turning the key in the ignition, only for it to crank a few times. It's frustrating. 'Vehicle hard to start' problems are very common. To find out why your vehicle has trouble starting, you need to check everything from the fuel system to the starter motor. These problems mainly occur during the winter because the cold temperature affects the operations of an automobile. Some of the causes that cause your car to fail to start include but are not limited to; Low Levels of Fuel During cold seasons, you must keep your oil tank full or at least half full. This way, only a tiny amount of fuel will be condensed. When the oil level gets extremely low, the fuel line freezes, thus preventing the distribution of fuel to the engine. The result of this will be, having trouble when starting your vehicle. Slow Battery Extreme cold can affect the performance of a battery. The battery operates by producing electrons through chemical reactions. Cold t ... read more
Posted on 9/28/2022

One of the worst things you can do for your vehicle is to drive with a blown head gasket. The head gasket in automobiles is responsible for sealing the engine’s combustion chamber from the rest of the engine so that oil and coolant don't mix together. Since the engine runs at high temperatures and extreme pressures, the gasket can get blown as a result. Keep reading to learn more about the symptoms of a blown head gasket. Low Coolant Levels One way to tell if you have a damaged head gasket is by checking if your coolant is under the hood. When your car is cooled down, you can look at the reservoir to see if there is a sufficient amount. When the gasket cracks, a majority of the coolant will leak into the cylinders. Overheating Engine When your engine can’t get a proper flow of coolant, it will run hotter than before. Plus, the cracked head gasket allows excess heat into the engine. In severe cases, you may even hear the coolant boil or sizzle. You can also tel ... read more
Posted on 8/29/2022

Cruise control can do you a huge favor in certain circumstances. This feature is widely available on most cars today, and it enables you to drive your car at a set speed without you having to press your foot on the acceleration pedal. Cruise control allows you to maintain a steady speed all while giving your leg some rest. Plus, that means more focus on your driving. For such a great feature, why isn’t everyone using cruise control at all times? It pretty much makes your car 50% self-driving, right? Not exactly. Cruise control is not suitable to use in certain conditions. In this blog, we will go over when you should and shouldn't employ cruise control. When To Turn Cruise Control On Long Road Trips - When road trips go on for hours and hours on end, it is nice to give your leg muscles some time to relax. Use this time to switch on to alleviate the strain. Light Traffic - If you’re on an open road with little to no cars, feel free to utilize the ... read more