Monthly Archives: February 2022

Does My Vehicle Battery Need to Be Recharged or Replaced?

Does My Vehicle Battery Need to Be Recharged or Replaced?

Every driver should understand the importance of their car batteries, and most will have to deal with a weak or dead battery at one point or another. If an automotive battery is failing, you can count on not going anywhere with your car. The good news is that batteries can be tested and recharged or replaced if necessary at Richman Automotive & Towing. Signs of a Faulty Car Battery It's not hard to tell when your vehicle's battery loses power. Some tell-tale signs of a battery that cannot hold a charge include dimming interior lights, headlights, tail lights, or starting trouble. Furthermore, most automobiles nowadays even have a designated dashboard warning light or a warning message that pops up whenever your car's computer detects an error. These are helpful because it will signal whether your battery issue is worth looking at and legit or not. To Recharge or Replace  What are the next steps? Whenever you suspect your battery is bad, the first thing you shou ... read more

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