While you might expect to see a bit of dust and debris when you open up the hood of your car, you certainly do not desire a bird's nest to be there when you take a look. Yet, that is exactly what happens to many car owners when they least expect it. Your engine is highly desired by birds when they are looking for a place to build a nest because it is warm and out of the way of inclement weather conditions. The question becomes what you should do when you find a nest under your hood. Continue reading to learn more.
Preventing Birds From Building a Nest In Your Car
It is important to keep birds from building a nest under your hood. It is not that you harbor any ill-will towards these flying animals, but it is important to understand the nest itself poses a fire hazard. The straw that comprises a nest can be quite dry. Combine that with the warm temperatures near the engine and you have a perfect recipe for disaster.
Take a look at the following advice so you can keep nests out of your car.
- Open your hood and check for nests - Do this frequently. You would be amazed how quickly a bird can build a nest, so open that hood whenever you think about it and remove any signs of a nest that might be there.
- Cover your car - If you are going to leave your car parked stationary for a long period of time, consider covering it up. If you do that, birds cannot make their way under your hood to build a nest.
- Decoys work - There are certain animals that birds do not like, such as hawks or owls. Put a fake one up near your car and birds will be much less likely to bother your vehicle.
These tips should help you keep birds away from building a nest in your car. If you discover that you need a service appointment, contact Richman Automotive & Towing and allow us to take care of you.